Our Approach

What Can You Expect When Engaging With STS®?

We listen and we invest

We pride ourselves on developing enduring partnerships with our clients by listening, understanding their needs, and delivering solutions that address the true business need and offer the most value. As business contexts shift, we provide candid guidance, adjust our work, and see it through to ensure the desired impact.

Our tailored approach

We begin with a platform of best-in-class services and ensure that each engagement is appropriately embedded in your culture, aligned with your strategic objectives, and reinforces a commitment to results for the leader, the organization, and the consultant.

Align talent and business strategies

Our firm is founded on the fundamental maxim that all business strategies must be enabled by an aligned talent strategy to be effective. We ensure that all of our work is designed with a clear understanding of what must be accomplished for the business and implemented in a
manner that maximizes the impact. 

We stick to what works

We are driven to make a lasting difference and avoid the latest trends in favor of well-validated, time-honored approaches that generate impact and value for the performance of your business and the enduring effectiveness of your leaders and their teams.

The Five Disciplines of Leaders®

The Five Disciplines of Leaders™ is our framework for assessing and developing leaders.  The model defines the work leaders need to do to lead and manage their organizations and ensure enduring success. This model describes behaviors that can be taught, learned, and leveraged by all leaders.

Credible strategy

Create a Credible Strategy

Leadership is ultimately about influence, and influence requires a plan. Building a credible strategy requires the application of critical thinking and business knowledge to define priorities and plans to advance the organization.
Mobilize Stakeholders

Mobilize Stakeholders

Navigating organizational dynamics can be a bumpy ride. Leaders must be skilled and diplomatic in building followership up, down, and across the organization through communication, executive presence, and relationship building.
Winning teams

Build & Develop Winning Teams

Advancing your strategy requires you to have the right people in the right place, doing the right things at the right time. This means creating structure, enhancing capabilities, and providing the clarity needed to maximize team performance.
Drive results

Drive Results

This is where the rubber meets the road. Plans, networks, and structures must ultimately translate into results. Leaders enable execution through others and ensure effective outcomes through clear expectations and consistent management routines.
Evolve business

Evolve the Business

Change or be changed. Taking a leadership role in change means elevating the organization by evaluating trends, anticipating opportunities, and preparing others to manage through strategic shifts.

A differentiated point of view

Through the lens of the Five Disciplines of Leaders®

While each Strategic Fit Assessment is customized to ensure fit with both the needs of the role and context of the business, we also assess individuals using these Five Disciplines of Leaders®. This approach allows us to offer feedback and guidance that is grounded in the business, tailored to the role, and linked to broad, consistent principles of effective leadership.

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