Collaboration that Drives Business Results
Strong leadership teams are critical to business success
STS® knows what teams need to reach their goals and how to put them on a path toward higher performance

The goal of team coaching is to improve business results by simultaneously accelerating individual and team development. The STS team coaching approach embraces a feedback rich, highly interactive process that requires each team member to shape the direction for the team’s work moving forward.
Insight must lead to action
Do we agree about where we are going? How do we achieve our goals? What is getting in our way? How do we become a stronger team?
We start by understanding the organization’s strategy, goals, and processes, which allows us to better assess the team’s strengths and weaknesses against their deliverables. We use a combination of assessment approaches to generate team and individual member insights while also setting a baseline to assess growth. We evaluate a few key characteristics of high-performing teams: alignment, capability, communication, and cohesion. We also assess the collective confidence in the team’s ability to achieve their desired goals as well as the level of psychological safety. Individual team members receive targeted and actionable feedback from the other members of the team on their effectiveness based on our Five Disciplines of Teams™ model.
Our process ensures we develop a strong working knowledge of your business and your culture. As a result, the insights and recommendations we are able to provide are focused, specific, and actionable. What sets the STS approach apart is the sense of shared purpose and clarity of action we help teams realize.
Contact us to learn how the Five Disciplines of Teams™ can help accelerate your team’s performance.

"Leadership teams need strategic clarity, specific goals for the team and each member, and clear action plans.”
The promise of a team is that its value is greater than the sum of its parts – individual performance rises as a result of being on a great team. The truth is, this is rarely the case. The full potential of many teams often remains locked away by distractions and disconnections, poor habits and inefficiency, and good people working at cross purposes. This doesn’t have to be true for your team, and STS can help.
Unleashing the power of teams
STS equips teams with the focus and skills needed to take the lead
Great leadership teams are intentional and focused on both what they need to deliver and how they are doing as a team. Through a combination of facilitation, observation, and real-time feedback, team coaching sessions are where individual and collective insights are converted to action. While the focus and flow are dictated by the particular needs of the team, common elements include aligning on strategic priorities, developing deeper trust, and making personal and collective commitments to improve. As a coach for the team, STS helps connect the work of the team with the ongoing work on the team to ensure sustained improvements.
Does your leadership team need a better plan for becoming a better team?